10 Daily Habits That Drain Your Energy

Olga Pavuka for DeepH
Published in
3 min readJan 16, 2019

Low energy and fatigue are symptoms of bad habits and negative lifestyle factors that you can control. If this is the case, you can switch some of your unhealthy habits to healthier ones and increase the amount of energy you have each day.

You are the product of your everyday habits, good and bad. If you know what’s good and bad for you, you can choose whether or not you want to improve yourself and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Let’s look at some of the possible causes of low energy levels.

1.Lack of Proper Sleep
When you don’t get enough sleep, your body is weaker because you only have half of your energy. Your productivity is affected by this, and if you try to catch up by working overtime, you leave yourself with less time to sleep, and the cycle continues.

2. Dwelling on the Past
The past is the past, and there’s no point in holding grudges or being angry about it. The only person you impact is you. So learn to let things go, if not for them, then for you.

3. Not Drinking Enough Water
Dehydration can negatively affect your brain function. It is important to drink enough water to replace any water loss your body has due to urination, certain medications, sweat, or drinking soda.

Dehydration also leads to an electrolyte imbalance which can cause further energy loss. Even if you are only slightly dehydrated, it becomes more difficult to concentrate.
4. Poor Diet
If your lifestyle or daily habits cause you to eat meals out instead of cooking at home, you are likely eating more junk food than your body can handle. Making your diet a priority is essential when it comes to your overall health. It will also help you to stay alert during the day.

5. Sedentary Lifestyle
Our bodies were are designed for use and movement and not for sitting still all day. When you don’t move around, your body will be impacted by fatigue and low energy levels.

6. Skipping Exercise when You’re Tired
Skipping your workout to save energy actually has a negative impact. The University of Georgia published a study which showed the effect of skipping workouts. They discovered that sedentary, but otherwise healthy adults, who began 20-minute workouts, three days a week, reported feeling less fatigued and more energised after six weeks. Regular exercise boosts your strength and endurance, helps make your cardiovascular system to run more efficiently, and delivers oxygen and nutrients to your tissues.

7. Taking Things Personally
We are social beings and often define ourselves through our relationships. These relationships will vary in effectiveness and intimacy. In other words, there are people that we just connect with, and others we don’t.
A lack of connection with someone does not necessarily mean that they dislike you personally. Therefore, you shouldn’t take it personally if you don’t find common ground.

8. Holding onto Anger and Resentment
Anger and resentment are generally tied to ‘living in the past’. These are negative, automatic emotions and thoughts that can be discarded.

Anger and resentment are extremely counterproductive to your energy, and they are not worth the mental and physical cost they take from you.

9. Communication with Toxic People
No matter how much you try to help people, you’ll still occasionally receive complaints and negative energy. Therefore, try to surround yourself with positive people, and avoid the toxic ones.

10. Worrying About What People Think About You

Spending time thinking about how much people like you is not only a waste of time, it’s emotionally draining because you can never be sure. Rather than worrying about what people think, assume everyone talks sh*t about you and move on. You’ll feel much better about things and have more energy.

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Olga Pavuka for DeepH
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