Earth’s Health is Your Health

Olga Pavuka for DeepH
Published in
3 min readSep 25, 2018

When we damage the Earth, we damage our own health. Human beings are as susceptible as any other species to the environment we create. The air we breathe, the water we drink, the foods we eat and the medications we take are all by-products of a healthy planet. But our world, and the diversity of life it supports, is under threat. Deforestation, pollution, greenhouse gas emissions, draining of wetlands, climate change, globalisation and many other factors of modern life are wiping out species and damaging ecosystems at unprecedented rates.

The World Health Organization predicts that unmitigated climate change will lead to significant increases in illness and death, brought on by environmental changes. These include the spread of cholera, malaria, dengue and other diseases; the compromising of agricultural production and food security; an increase in extreme weather events such as floods, droughts, heat waves and more.

The health of many communities around the world is already suffering as a consequence of climate change. As humans, we need air every minute of our lives to ignite the fuel in our body to give us energy. When forced to live with polluted air, we get inevitably get sick.

Quick Fact! Did you know that a human’s body weight is made up of 60% to 70% water and that water inflates every cell in our bodies?

Discover different ways to keep the environment clean, green and healthy by being more conscious about how we use Earth’s air, water and food.

Read our simple guide and find out what you can do to reduce pollution.

Refuse single-use items

Straws, to-go cups, disposable razors, and plastic grocery bags are some ubiquitous examples of single-use products in our economy. Finding a reusable option for these items is a simple way to make a big difference.

Buy locally, eat more plants, and compost your food waste

When shopping, focus on purchasing locally grown products rather than imported goods. Buying locally means less transportation, processing, and packaging. And when it comes to food — local means fresh!

Conserve water

With industries dumping waste into our water supplies, our access to fresh, clean drinking water is dwindling. Running taps, long showers, running the dishwasher half-full, and unchecked water leaks are all examples of ways in which we unnecessarily water waste.

Change your travel habits

As much as 90% of road transportation is dependent upon oil. When you walk, cycle, or take public transportation, you reduce your carbon footprint significantly.

Recycle the waste products

Many waste products like glass, plastics, aluminium and paper can be recycled instead of being simply thrown away. This prevents air pollution accumulating as a result of these materials being burnt.

Our health is tied to air, water and food from the soil. This means that we should keep them clean and stop dumping toxic wastes into them. Our health is also improved by exercise, which should be a big part of the way we live. Connecting with nature is beneficial for both our physical and mental health. Caring for ourselves and the biosphere would reward humanity many times over through improved health and happiness.



Olga Pavuka for DeepH
Writer for

DeepH Founder. Feel Better. Sleep Deeper. Stress Less with the DeepH App.