Facebook is Winning, and it is All Your Fault

The stock is bouncing up, thanks to mobile.

Noah J Nelson
What Is Wrong With You People?
1 min readJul 25, 2013


I want you to remember this when, over Thanksgiving, you surreptitiously open up your phone to check Facebook and a loud video ad for Zoosk internet dating plays. As you feel that hybrid look of digust and pity beam out of Aunt Katie’s eyes I want you to remember: you did this.

This is *your fault*, because you have been clicking on those Facebook mobile ads.

Facebook’s stock is finally impressing Wall Street thanks to mobile ad sales. As the BBC reports, the company is finally catching fire, financially speaking:

Facebook made $655.6m from mobile ads between April and June — more than 41% of the $1.6bn in overall advertising revenue, compared with 30% for the same period last year. The number of mobile users expanded 51% to 819 million.

All these means that some of you are clicking those ads. Tapping on them on your iPhone because there hasn’t been a new Angry Birds release in three weeks.

What is wrong with you people?

Originally published on Turnstylenews.com, a digital information service surfacing emerging stories in news, entertainment, art and culture; powered by award-winning journalists.



Noah J Nelson
What Is Wrong With You People?

Founder and publisher of No Proscenium -- the guide to everything immersive.