The Promise of Tomorrow’s Beautiful Mercuriality

Melissa Glass
What Made Your Day Beautiful
4 min readDec 10, 2013


It’s no secret that life is mercurial. It delivers a mixture of lemons and prunes. It bends, swerves, and jumps. It constantly keeps your attention. This attention can be the most dangerous force in the world, because it controls our outlook on life. It either keeps us floating through the sea of life or making us give sway to its undertow.

Life grabs your attention and steers it in opposite directions. It is easy to succumb to its devastating whims; the harsher stuff in the world is always easier to focus on. However, I think it must be a goal in life, for everyone, to learn how to free yourself from its restraints. We should not allow ourselves to solely focus on the bad, but learn to remember how the little things in life truly keep us going. We can find these reminders in the every day life of our not-so-mundane world, in the sunrise that brings hope for a new day, in the people that always know how to make you smile, or even in the fabric of that favorite shirt of yours. When we embrace these little things, we can learn to see the big picture. It can make us appreciate the larger things in life that people tend to forget, such as how beautiful life, people, and creation is and the immense potential they have to bring promise of a better day.

My brother, sister, and I have recently had many debates on the timeless tales of Men vs. Women, who has it harder, what is expected of each, etc. Of course, Gianna and I believe women have it harder because of the emotional stress they constantly undergo. Adrian says men have it harder because they have to deal with the emotional stress of unstable women. We each had our viable points, but it’s an argument that neither side will ever be able to win. To those who truly know me, I tend to have a cynical view of people, so lots of times I think both genders are absolutely terrible and impossible to get along with.

Now I know that that last sentence majorly contradicts the preceding paragraph. I know it does, but that’s okay because women are full of contradictions (truly, most women rarely know what they want). Don’t worry though, my thought does positively tie back to that thought, just keep reading.

As much as I dislike both genders, I do have a tendency to get along with men more than women, simply because men are much, much, MUCH less drama.

That is, until you find that one guy that completely turns your world inside out, upside down, and into a train wreck of emotional instability.

Or maybe even two men.

Maybe three.

You could work your way up to the tenth guy and still not have found the security and dependency that you crave.

Or, you could have found it in the first person, or in one of those men in between Josh and Tucker.

The things is, we just don’t know (like I said, most women REALLY don’t know what they want).

And that — the idea that we don’t know what we’re going to find in each unique experience with each unique individual that we meet — is the beauty of life.

Imagine walking into an art show. Splashes of color, swirls, and lines are manipulated in ways that you never thought possible. Every way you turn, there is something unique. Around every corner is the visible imagination of someone’s thoughts. Each piece will evoke a different kind of emotion: awe, appreciation, but, most likely, confusion (like, seriously, why are those two parallel lines worth hundreds of dollars?). But that confusion is beautiful because it makes us think and wonder why the creator made it so.

I’m pretty sure you know where I’m going with this. Each person is a work of art with the immense potential to make you do something wonderful: think. Think about why he told you the story of his ninja cat Squeaks, or why he actually laughed at something stupid you said in passing, or what could have possibly gone through his mind when he didn’t put his clothes in the hamper, AGAIN.

Each of these thoughts, and sometimes frustrating wonders, are a result of a unique experience you had with that unique person.

Now, I do declare, hold all of these experiences dear in your heart. Each of these people had a special imprint on your life, one unlike any other. The magnetism between you and those around you is there for a reason: hormonal compatibility, individual social framework, or that spark that you can’t quite explain. Each of these experiences and your reaction to them define who you are. They could be positive or negative, happy or sad, upbuilding or detrimental, mindful or reckless… whatever kind of effect, it allows for room to grow and flourish. It allows you to reflect and find the little things in life to appreciate.

I know this post is predominately aimed to women, but remember this: that night in his car, the look in her eyes, his musical laugh, the pleading in her voice. It’s yours, and yours to keep.

Sometimes, you have an urge to tell others about those people with that magical effect on your life. Don’t. Let it be yours, only yours, and grow, build, and live from it. Let it be that little thing in life that keeps you going and help you to see the promise of tomorrow’s beautiful mercuriality.



Melissa Glass
What Made Your Day Beautiful

Founder of Busy Bee’s Bodies, aspiring teacher and writer, fitness enthusiast. @MelissaBusyBee