Challenging the False Narrative

Johanna Page
What She Said
Published in
3 min readSep 30, 2016

It may not yet be too late for the press to change the narrative regarding the trustworthiness of the 2016 Presidential candidates, but time is certainly of the essence. You see, there is a pervasive false narrative out there in both the media and the minds of a good (read: bigly for you Trump supporters, though I doubt any of you are reading my blog) portion of the electorate, wherein many believe Hillary Clinton is a bigger liar than Donald Trump.

To be sure, each has their own negatives, which include their real and perceived relationships with the truth. It is simply and unequivocally false, based on their public records and their own words, to believe Trump is not the Godfather of All Liars. Even if you do not believe that, he has told some whoppers. Let us examine.

Speaking for us die-hard, lifelong liberal Democrats, we know exactly why you despise Hillary; we truly do. Much of the cold persona, corrupt behavior and subversive actions attributed to her, however, are simply false. Do not misunderstand. I do not believe she is without flaws, but are not we all? Can you imagine being under a microscope for over thirty years in your life as a public servant? Can you imagine the private pain of being publically cuckholded, multiple times, by a spouse you love? Can you imagine being blamed constantly for things you did not do and which, in fact in many cases, were beyond your control (see: Whitewater, Travelgate, Benghazi, the email scandal, etc., and a laundry list of Clinton Conspiracy Theories, none of which have proven to have any merit and for which absolutely no criminal prosecution has ever been recommended)?

Regarding the pathological liar that is the nominee for the Grand Old Party, Mr. Donald John Trump himself, I am not exactly sure how many times he has to tell you and show you, to prove he has very little reliability for anything that comes out of his mouth. Step one: he lies. Step two: he gets called out on the lie. Step three: he is literally show written or visual proof of the lie (print, video, Twitter). Step four: he doubles down and swears he never uttered said lie. Step five: his supporters and the media accept it and move on to the next episode in his shit show. It is truly incomprehensible, at times unbearable, to watch.

He epitomizes greed, excess, commercialism and everything that is wrong about capitalism in America, as he perches in the Trump Penthouse in Trump Tower, high above New York’s haute 5th Avenue, literally in a glass house, on a gilded throne of gold. He is the embodiment of every stereotype of the fat, self-indulgent to the point of excess, egotistical American, which folks overseas derisively laugh about in the comfort of their local taverns, coffee shops and living rooms.

Hillary, despite all the baggage, has been a lifelong, public servant committed to fighting for the disenfranchised women, children and minorities. She has accomplished more and selflessly done more for others in one day than he has in a lifetime. It really is that simple.

On Tuesday, November 8, 2016, you are going to going to be asked to make what is essentially a binary choice (see previous posts about the ineffectiveness of ego votes for third party candidates). Much like birth and death, we go into the voting booth alone. Good versus Evil. Right versus Wrong. Morality versus Amorality. Truth versus Lies. It is a false narrative to believe there is any comparison of qualifications or honesty or any other personality characteristic you want to use. I don’t give a shit about your moral high ground. This is more important. I do not care what you have to tell yourself to make voting for Hillary Clinton more palatable, because you know what is not palatable…. Nuclear fucking annihilation.

Truth Bombs: Who is this motherfucker to call anyone fat? #justshutup #stoptalking

If Trump does become President, when I am living safely and comfortably abroad, I think he should title his memoirs, The Audacity of a Dope.

Kellyanne Conway has to feel like she is rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic, because I find it hard to comprehend even she believes the lines of bullshit she is forced to shovel on a daily basis.

