Strings Attached!

I’ve traditionally been wary of strings. But there’s another side to the story.

Srikrishnan Ganesan
What the Filter Kaapi
2 min readMay 10, 2013


A newborn is connected to its mother by an umbilical cord. Though this physical cord is quickly done away with, every relationship in our life from then on adds an invisible string.

Strings from your relationships come in a variety of forms

> Some strings are stiff and tense. They may restrict your dimensions of freedom by limiting your movements.The more strings you have of this nature, the closer you are to being a puppet!

> Some strings have slack. These are sometimes pulled at or dangled to grab your attention, to nudge you, to give you a jerk that helps you turn and look towards a new direction.

> Some strings pull you forward, while others can restrict your movement forward.

> Some strings just keep threatening to snap if you don’t move to where they are tugging you! (Snapping strings is never enjoyable. Sometimes we have to ask for more slack in the string when we feel restricted or constrained.)

As a child, you know you need your strings. These strings help you learn to move, learn about things around you. They pull you towards the good, and set you on a path. They are probably pretty tense early, and hopefully slacken with time, allowing more freedom to find your path as you grow older.

As adults, some of us have a fear of adding tense strings to our lives (marriage, kids) and stay away from building new relationships! Why reduce your dimensions of freedom?

I recently took a plunge. I quit my job to start something of my own. Some think of entrepreneurship as jumping off a cliff and trying to build an airplane on the way down.

What if I fail to build my airplane in time?

Look closer. I’m just doing a bungee jump! I have my strings attached. I have my family and friends to support me through hard times, help me rebound, and to prevent me from hitting the earth crashing.

And so I learn … strings can sometimes give you a new dimension of freedom.



Srikrishnan Ganesan
What the Filter Kaapi

Co-Founder, Previously built Freshchat (originally Konotor, acquired by Freshworks) . Love everything technology, products, start-ups.