Conspiracy Theory Alert: Why Marcus Williams Missed the Final Tackle in the Vikings vs Saints Game

What The Husk?!?!
Published in
2 min readJan 15, 2018

Last night we bore witness to one of the most miraculous plays that you will ever see on a football field. Well, you witnessed it. I was watching Paddington 2 with my kids, because: #dadlife is the best life. You’ve surely seen and/or heard about the play ad nauseam, but the lasting image, for many, of that moment seems to be this one.

And this picture leads to a million questions and only one true answer.

You see, it’s really quite simple.

It wasn’t because Marcus Williams is a rookie. It wasn’t that he mistimed his hit. It wasn’t the “wussification of football” that lead him to try not to hit Stefon Diggs or his concerns about picking up a costly pass interference by arriving too early. It wasn’t the fact that kids these days always come in with their heads down. It wasn’t even that he was trying to make the right play and angle Diggs inbounds with the trajectory of his body.

What you’re seeing there? That’s the doctored image. Let’s take another look.

Notice anything different, sheeple? Yes. Marcus Williams was actually on his cellphone during the play. #Millennials am I right? But that’s not even the full explanation. Nope. You see, if Williams had merely been on the cellphone sending a Snap to “Snd nudes bb” that would have still probably left him enough time, and given him the wherewithal, to swoop in and save the day for the Saints.

So what could it have been that he saw on the phone that caused that reaction? Forced one of the best rookie safeties in football to dive down in a classic case of a Duck and Cover? I hope you are ready for some Red Pill Wheaties, America, because take a look at what cost New Orleans a shot at the NFC championship game.

This is what was on his phone.

And it worked. He did look like a guy who thought there was an ICBM heading directly for Minneapolis and he needed to get down into the “Kim Jong is sending nukes” pose.



What The Husk?!?!

Writer from the 402. Live for the prairie nights on the city streets. Husband. Father. Volume Shooter.