Embrace the Hate: Nebraska V. S. Iowa

What The Husk?!?!
Published in
2 min readNov 26, 2019

Iowa fans should talk shit to Nebraska fans.

We deserve that.

Nebraska fans should talk shit to Iowa fans. They deserve it, too.

So, if you’re seeing a few Hawkeye fans drag Nebraska for their recent decades-long history of botch-jobbing their way all over the turf: we’ve earned that, through our online braggadocio and ridicule-magnet-pride, at the very least.

And if you’re about to fire off a mean-spirited Tweet about Iowa’s micro-penised size history of large-scale successes in their past: do it!

Two of my least favorite people, smashed together. Post Malone & Kirk.

See, here’s the thing about hating one another on the field: it’s the best part about college football. Sports hate is good hate. It’s the kind of inconsequential doesn't-matter ribbing that we need to make a game between the 19th ranked team in the nation and the 5th best team in the Big Ten West matter on even the most molecular level.

It’s why I’ve spent all day alternately laughing about Nate Stanley jokes and clutching my digital pearls when we get breathlessly owned by someone with a joke about how long it’s been since 1997.

It’s why I’m currently workshopping my 44th joke about Kirk Ferentz’s squinty eyes (*Author’s note: so far, they’re all terrible. Have no fear, intrepid reader, I will still be posting them.) and why I’m losing sleep over the fact that we’ve allowed Iowa an absurdly easy bar to clear if they want to insult our low-hanging-fruit of a season.

So, let’s embrace the hate, not shy away from it. In closing, here is my take from last year about Iowa’s current color scheme:

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! Except Iowa fans.



What The Husk?!?!

Writer from the 402. Live for the prairie nights on the city streets. Husband. Father. Volume Shooter.