Let’s Extensively Break Down the NBA Finals Photo of JR Smith After he Fouled Klay Thompson

What The Husk?!?!
Published in
2 min readJun 1, 2018

Last night was the first game of the NBA Finals. But, I’m sure you already knew that. There was about a million insane things that happened over the course of the evening, but I am going to focus on one particular snapshot that shows just what makes the NBA Finals so damn interesting. Let’s take a look at the moment after JR Smith fouled — and mildly injured — Klay Thompson.

(image via: turntsports.com)

It’s a great picture. But, much like NBA Twitter, the reaction is equally as enjoyable as the actual play. So, let’s break down the various reactions by the people who were front and center for this crucial moment.

Tell me in the comments below, what was your favorite reaction?



What The Husk?!?!

Writer from the 402. Live for the prairie nights on the city streets. Husband. Father. Volume Shooter.