WTH, Bro?

What The Husk?!?!
Published in
2 min readSep 21, 2017

I know I should probably have a more well-formed, thought out plan. A mission statement, maybe.

Or, hell, maybe even a manifesto of sorts. But, when it comes to my writing, I prefer the authenticity of extemporaneousness or, as comedy icon Nick Cannon would call it, “Off the top of the dome.”

To answer a few of the unspoken, potential questions you may have:

  1. What is the site? This site is going to have a lot of Nebraska Cornhuskers content. They’re my first and deepest sports love. They’re the final few chapters of my sports-version Nicholas Sparks novel and the first sentence in my sports-version Nicholas Pileggi novel. Lately, they’ve had some Stephen King mixed in, too.
  2. Just Husker stuff? It may have other content, too, but I’m still figuring that out. To start, it will primarily be Nebraska oriented. Hence the name.

3. How do we find your posts? Obviously, it’s no fun to write without an audience. So, please: add this one to your favorites. I’m still figuring out how Medium works, but I’ll do my best to promote engagement and, if you have ideas or thoughts, I would love to hear them.

Follow the site and myself on Twitter. Check out our Facebook page for live videos and interaction and posts that will probably not be paid for by Vladimir Putin.

If you want to get in touch with us, have any questions, or just feel like firing off a spiteful, anonymous email: you slide into my DMs at whatthehusk@gmail.com

And, please, if you like it: share the shit out of it.

That’s as good as giving me a check. Thanks for reading. Enjoy the ride.



What The Husk?!?!

Writer from the 402. Live for the prairie nights on the city streets. Husband. Father. Volume Shooter.