Dive Deep: Subconscious Illusions & Hidden Realities

Pradeep Bhatt
What The MIND
Published in
5 min readDec 20, 2023


Challenge your understanding of reality. Uncover the secrets buried within your subconscious and awaken to a new perspective.

Dive Deep: Subconscious Illusions & Hidden Realities


Ever found your thoughts doing a dance in your head, like tricky mirages that come and go? Well, turns out, there’s a whole secret world in our minds called the subconscious. Join me on a journey as we untangle the mysteries of this mental mirage — a mix of make-believe and real stuff that shapes who we are.

The Trick of Seeing Things:

Think of your thoughts like a colorful kaleidoscope. This part is all about how we see things — what we call perception. Imagine peeling off layers to see how our thoughts shape what we believe and how we see the world around us. It’s like unraveling a mystery thread by thread. #SeeingIsBelieving #MindKaleidoscope

Dreams: Your Mind’s Secret Messages:

Ever wondered that what really your dreams are trying to tell you? Nighttime isn’t just for sleep; it’s like a secret door to your mind. Let’s explore the weird language of dreams, where symbols and messages are hidden. It’s like going on an adventure into a dreamy world where things aren’t always what they seem. #DreamyDiscoveries #NighttimeSecrets

When Your Mind Doesn’t Agree:

Our minds aren’t always buddies. Sometimes, what we believe clashes with uncomfortable truths. Let’s dive into the jumble of thoughts and feelings — something called cognitive dissonance and self-deception. It’s like figuring out why our mind sometimes plays tricks on us. #MindBattles #UncomfortableTruths

How Stories Shape Your Brain:

Think of your mind like a puppet with strings pulled by stories. Dive into how the tales we hear, the traditions we follow, and the things society expects can sneak into our minds, creating a kind of shared make-believe world. It’s like understanding the invisible strings guiding us. #StoryInfluence #SharedIllusions

Mindfulness: Finding Clarity in the Mental Maze:

Amid all these mind games, there’s a superhero called mindfulness. Discover simple tricks that help us be aware of what’s going on inside. It’s like putting on a mental detective hat to see through illusions and get control over what our mind is up to. #MindfulMoments #MentalDetective

Feeling All the Feels:

Emotions are like the paint on the canvas of our minds. Let’s explore how these colorful feelings get all tangled up in our thoughts. It’s like a dance where understanding our emotions becomes the key to living a more real and true-to-yourself kind of life. #FeelingDance #ColorfulEmotions


As we wander through the twists and turns of the mental maze, one thing becomes clear — the subconscious mind is a canvas filled with both tricky illusions and real-deal truths. To navigate this tricky world, you need to keep your eyes wide open, question what you think, and commit to figuring out the puzzles inside.

Understanding these mind games takes you on a journey to discover who you really are — a journey beyond the usual and into the deep complexities that make each of us special.

So, gear up for an adventure through the mental maze, where illusions vanish, and the real you emerges. It’s like taking a peek into the hidden world of your mind — a place that’s both exciting and absolutely essential for being human. #MindMazeAdventure #SubconsciousMagic

Stay aware of the mental mirage with What The Mind!

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Frequently Asked Questions

What’s the subconscious mind, and how does it affect our thoughts?

  • Think of the subconscious as the backstage boss of our thoughts, quietly shaping what we believe and how we see the world, even if we don’t notice.

Can you give a simple example of how what we think changes how we see things?

  • Picture meeting a new friend. If you’ve heard good things, you might find their quirks charming. But if you’ve heard the opposite, those quirks might bug you. It’s like a mental filter tinting your view.

Why do we dream, and do dreams really mean anything?

  • Dreams are like secret messages from our mind, telling stories in a strange language. Not every dream has a big meaning, but exploring them can help us understand our thoughts and feelings.

What’s up with cognitive dissonance and self-deception?

  • Imagine your mind doing a balancing act. Cognitive dissonance is when what we believe doesn’t match reality, and self-deception is like our mind trying to smooth things over to avoid feeling uneasy.

How do stories we hear impact our thoughts, and why does it matter?

  • Think of cultural stories as sneaky tales that shape how we see the world. They create a shared pretend world that influences how we think, act, and relate to others.

Can you give a simple tip for practicing mindfulness?

  • Of course! Mindfulness is like giving your mind a break. Try to focus on your breath just for a few minutes. It’s a short mental vacation that helps you pay attention to what’s going on inside.

How do feelings mix with our thoughts, and why should we care?

  • Feelings are like the colors in the painting of our minds. When we understand and notice them, we untangle the mess, leading to a more honest and true way of living.

Is it really possible to figure out the secrets of the subconscious mind, or is it too hard?

  • Totally possible! It’s like solving a puzzle. By staying curious, questioning our thoughts, and exploring the tricks our mind plays, we can unlock the secrets within ourselves.

How does understanding the mental mirage help us discover ourselves?

  • Think of it as getting to know the real you. By untangling the pretend and true parts of your mind, you start a journey to discover what makes you special and unique.

Why should someone go on the adventure through the mental maze?

  • Because it’s like going on a cool journey into what makes us human. Exploring the mental maze shows us the awesome wonders of our mind, making life more fun, real, and full of exciting possibilities.

Originally published at https://whatthemind.in on December 20, 2023.



Pradeep Bhatt
What The MIND

Welcome to my corner of Medium! I'm a passionate writer, explorer of ideas, and lifelong learner!