The Conscious and Subconscious Mind: Explained

Pradeep Bhatt
What The MIND
Published in
4 min readNov 1, 2023


Let Us Interpret The Conscious and Subconscious Mind!

Conscious vs Subconscious Mind


Within our minds lie two mysterious worlds: the conscious and the subconscious. Picture them as uncharted territories within us, waiting to be explored. Embarking on this journey is like navigating a universe within our minds. So, buckle up as we unravel the captivating mysteries of consciousness.

Interpreting the Conscious Mind:

The Watchful Guardian:

Imagine the conscious mind as the tip of an iceberg, guiding us through life. It processes real-time information — every sight, sound, and emotion. Picture it as a vigilant guard, filtering the constant influx of sensory information that bombards us.

Realm of Logic:

This is where logic and reason dwell. Decision-making, problem-solving, and critical thinking are its forte. It helps us analyze options, make choices, and act based on rationality.

The Subconscious Mind: Silent Architect of Our Being

Keeper of Memories:

Below the conscious surface lies the subconscious mind, a vault of memories and emotions. It safeguards our life experiences, both joyful and painful, storing every lesson learned and every memory created.

Emotional Core:

Emotions like love, fear, joy, and sorrow originate here. This realm shapes our emotional responses and influences our behavior, often in ways beyond our conscious understanding.

Language of Symbols:

Unlike the conscious mind, the subconscious communicates through symbols, dreams, and intuitions. Decoding these symbols unveils profound insights about our psyche, guiding us through the maze of our thoughts.

The Harmony Between Conscious and Subconscious:

Source of Creativity:

While the conscious mind analyzes, it’s the subconscious that fuels creativity, inspiration, and intuition. The interplay between these realms sparks brilliance. Many great minds credit their breakthroughs to this symbiotic relationship.

Tapping into Potential:

Understanding the interplay between the conscious and subconscious empowers us. By influencing our subconscious beliefs, we can conquer fears, overcome limitations, and manifest our deepest desires. Practices like meditation and positive affirmations act as bridges, allowing us to rewrite the scripts of our subconscious mind.


Within the boundary of the human mind, the conscious and subconscious threads intertwine, weaving the unique story of our existence. This understanding provides us with the key to self-discovery and personal transformation. Embracing the wisdom of both realms, we gain clarity and purpose, navigating life’s complexities with newfound insight.

So, approach this journey with an open mind. Within the depths of your consciousness lies the potential to unlock a universe of endless possibilities. Understanding the conscious and subconscious is like possessing the ultimate key, granting you access to your truest self.

Get on the adventure within. Unravel the conscious and subconscious minds, and discover the boundless potential of your true self. #MindExploration #SelfDiscovery #UnlockPotential #ConsciousnessUnveiled

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Frequently Asked Questions

What does the conscious mind do every day?

  • The conscious mind helps us understand things right now. It uses what we see, hear, and feel to make smart choices.

How does the subconscious remember things?

  • The subconscious mind stores memories in a complex network. It’s like a big library where every lesson and experience is kept in order.

Can the subconscious affect how we act without us knowing?

  • Yes, the subconscious mind can change how we act. Feelings, beliefs, and things from the past in our subconscious can shape what we do, even if we don’t realize it.

What do symbols and dreams mean to the subconscious mind?

  • The subconscious talks in symbols and dreams, like telling a story without words. Understanding these symbols helps us see what we really feel inside.

Why is the teamwork of conscious and subconscious important for being creative?

  • Creativity happens when both minds work together. The conscious mind thinks, and the subconscious gives ideas. Together, they can make amazing discoveries and ‘aha!’ moments.

Can we change how we think deep down and make our lives better?

  • Yes, we can change our deep-down thoughts. Using methods like meditation and positive thinking, we can overcome fears and make our dreams come true.

How does knowing about conscious and subconscious minds help us grow?

  • Knowing about both minds helps us understand why we do things. It gives us insights into our feelings and choices, making us wiser and more self-aware.

Is it too late to use the power of our subconscious mind?

  • It’s never too late! You can always use your subconscious mind. You can start changing and improving your thoughts at any age.

What practices help us use the power of the subconscious mind?

  • Practices like mindfulness, meditation, positive thinking, and visualization can help. They change how you think and believe, making your mind stronger and more positive.

How can someone start exploring their conscious and subconscious minds?

  • Start with curiosity and an open mind. Learn about your thoughts and feelings. Being aware of both minds is the first step to understanding yourself better and growing as a person.

Originally published at on November 1, 2023.



Pradeep Bhatt
What The MIND

Welcome to my corner of Medium! I'm a passionate writer, explorer of ideas, and lifelong learner!