Derweze — Gates of Hell

Speeding towards a cliff in the dead of night.  

the uncertainty of life

Pete Stam
What the world looks like
2 min readOct 2, 2013


About a month ago I looked up from the ground and saw that the world was moving around me. I had been living in a dark world. One that felt precarious.

Eight months earlier I had embarked on a grand vision of changing the way travelers seek information. Changing the way that travelers connected with a place. There were many twists and turns but it always felt mighty precarious. We had incredible highs and incredible lows but there always seemed to be this dark, misty unknown right in front of our faces.

As we picked up speed the world flew by. I could barely come up for air. Things happened around me as I felt my grip slip. My body tightening everyday.

It was as if I was running full speed. Everything I had was pushing my muscles to run faster. It was pitch dark out. I had no idea where I was headed and as my body tensed my mind began to wander. Wander to what was coming. It was so dark. What if there was a cliff? I would never see it coming. My body tensed. Waiting for the ground beneath me to suddenly give way. Waiting for that feeling of falling.

Waiting for that moment of truth. That one true test. The moment I discovered if I would fly or fall. Grow wings and soar or be obliterated in a blaze of glory as I crashed to the ground.

That day I looked up I realized there was no cliff. I had been falling the entire time.

There I was. At the bottom. Ready to climb.

