Mike Curtis
What the World Needs is More Poetry
2 min readSep 17, 2018


A Gaza Romance

Together they played among the ruins,
Burnt shells of buildings that once were homes;
hid and peered through broken walls,
frightened at the soldiers passing by;
screamed as jets roared overhead
and bombs came raining down.

Together they stood in silent shock
As coffins passed of people they had known;
shouted at the soldiers that came
and dragged away their brothers and sisters;
mourned the passing of those
they only knew as heroes of the fight.

Together they learnt about the world:
how some had fought for them and failed;
how some still tried to help to no avail;
how many helped their enemy,
sold them the weapons that they used,
but most just lived their lives and did not care

Together with arms around each other,
A silent spot amidst the storm of war,
ruined city at their back, out of mind.
They watched the moon over the silver sea,
pledged their lives to each other
To Allah, His Prophet and their land.

Together they stood with fire in their eyes,
rocks in their hand as the Defence Force
advanced into their town once more.
Airplanes defensively dropping bombs,
their school was gone, the hospital in flames;
all was dust and smoke and endless screams.

Together they threw and threw again,
hopeless against the shielded foe
smoke in their eyes and bullets all around.
Fall back, regroup, keep up the fight
Some fell, some fled, some stayed
defiant still until the bitter end

Together they fell, he reached to hold her hand
saw the light fading from her eyes.
Alone he felt Death’s boot on outstretched hand
looked up and saw the face of Death.
Helmeted, masked, with frightened eyes
Death calmly took the final shot.

Amongst the rubble behind the broken walls
four young eyes saw the tragedy unfold
two children watched as Death strode off
to seek new victims for his grisly feast.
Together in fear and shock they knew
and understood their destiny.

