Non Serviam

Mike Curtis
What the World Needs is More Poetry
1 min readAug 6, 2018

Monarchs demand I bow and bend the knee,
to show respect they don’t deserve.
Their subject I refuse to be.
Non serviam, I will not serve.

The priests tell me to worship their true god,
prostrate, to give without reserve.
I see their tricks and am not awed.
Non serviam, I will not serve.

The bosses take my labour and my time,
to enrich themselves and preserve
their privilege that can?t be mine.
Non serviam, I will not serve.

Policeman says do this or be restrained.
Judge says the law I must observe,
but justice cannot be constrained
Non serviam, I will not serve.

The gen’ral tells me I must kill and be,
killed their strategies to subserve.
The enemy are people just like me.
Non serviam, I will not serve.

All you who try to bend us to your plan,
freedom is what we must conserve,
our right to stand together. Non
serviamus, we will not serve.

