
Sachin Meier
What Then?
Published in
1 min readApr 8, 2019

In the Bitcoin community, most everyone is convinced of the inevitable, eventual moon. There are, of course, short term bears and bulls, tolerant multicoiners and toxic maximalists, Austrians and inflationists. But what unites these people who own bitcoin is the belief in an massive bull run at some point in the future, when Bitcoin becomes at least a global reserve currency and at most, the only one.

This assumption is usually taken for granted. When “moon” conversations come up, they usually center on Lambos, “I told you so’s”, and other victory laps. However, very few people focus on the less apparent side effects of hyperbitcoinization. In this series, I will go through what I see as some major aspects of our lives that could change in a world of hard, digital money.

I will include graphs and hard data as much as possible, but none of this will be financial or legal advice, and it will mostly be my own speculation or the speculation of others. Many of the ideas I present are inspired or directly taken from others, including Saifedean Ammous, the Mahmudov brothers, The Mises Institute and the Austrian School.

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