Gotta catch ‘em all

Joe Anderson
What they forgot to tell me
2 min readJul 11, 2013

You can’t win ‘em all. -Connie Mack

A big fear of mine is trying to win it all. I always think there is a way. What if I follow up with them 10x at specific intervals. What if I said it this way instead of that. I have this mentality of being able to catch ‘em all, if only I did such and such thing different. Of course this is only met with disappointment. Everyone won’t understand your product, everyone won’t love your product, everyone won’t love you.

Instead you need to look at it from another angle. How many attempts are you making a day? Are you too afraid you won’t catch ‘em all that you’re still just preparing? How many attempts today is a better question. Why can’t you glorify this number? You keep dreaming about a certain person you would like to meet. About a certain place you would like to be. Yet everyday the attempt count stands at 0. You haven’t begun researching how you will meet that person, so how are you going to make an attempt. Like anything in life the more you try, the better you get. Sometimes you get lucky, and don’t know why it worked. Some people live for that. Not you. You won’t win every hand. You won’t win every heart. But you will win a few, trust me you will. Since you are methodical, you have a plan. You kinda know who to approach, you kinda know what to say. It’s not going to be perfect. It’s a start. Every day you haven’t made an attempt is just another day. “But I’m preparing for the day that I will…” bullshit. You’re still trying to catch em all. 1 email, 2 email, 10. No responses. That’s 10 attempts in 1 day. Much better than 0 in the past 2 weeks. If you did that for 2 weeks you would be at 140, not 10. Starting to see the difference?

You want to become great. It’s a double edge sword. You never feel like you are ready and you never will be. To start theres a low percentage of people who even know you exist. An even lower percentage that even care. Focus on the quality of the attempts, not catches. Keep improving those. How many follow ups did you do today? Zero? If you did it for 2 weeks you would be at 140. It’s not daunting looking at it daily. 10 emails, 10 follow ups. That’s not that hard now is it? But what if no one responds? 10 emails. 10 follow ups. 140 emails. 140 follow ups. In 2 weeks. You’re on a roll now buddy…or are you still twidling your thumbs at 0.



Joe Anderson
What they forgot to tell me

Helping the marketing team with design thinking at Realm. Follow me @Anderson760