PinnedJoe EdelmanHow to Make Tech Products (that Don’t Cause Depression and War)Picture a typical technologist: she watches how her users scroll, click, and engage with her product. Based on what she sees, she makes…Oct 27, 2021Oct 27, 2021
PinnedJoe EdelmanCan software be good for us?We must face a deep challenge to design software for meaningful interaction and time well spentOct 26, 202124Oct 26, 202124
Joe EdelmanThe Design Landscape & Values-Misaligned SystemsWhy do bureaucracies of good people do bad things?Aug 19, 2021Aug 19, 2021
Joe EdelmanFour Social Worlds☝️ This essay is also available on the Human Systems notion, and is part of the course materials for HS101 Deluxe.Feb 10, 2020Feb 10, 2020
Joe EdelmanPublic Debate and Institutional LegitimacyOr — What Can We Do Locally about Politics?Mar 21, 2019Mar 21, 2019
Joe EdelmanRadical Redesigns — Are They All About Allocations?I am inspired by a political movement, going by the name Radical Markets. And yet I have reservations about its vocabulary and framing…Feb 21, 20194Feb 21, 20194
Joe EdelmanThe Mottoes We Live ByThis is part 3 of The Next Enlightenment (but it should read fine on its own).Nov 7, 20181Nov 7, 20181
Joe EdelmanHow I Wasted My 20s (Pursuing Goals)Coming to Terms with my Non-Goal DrivesOct 24, 20182Oct 24, 20182