Beta Launching a product on Netted

Charlotte Jenkins
What We Learned Today
2 min readJul 29, 2016

Today (depending on what time zone you are in) we were super super lucky to be featured in Netted’s beta launching campaign.

Netted harnesses the collective wisdom of the Webby Awards to uncover the online tools that make life better, easier, and more productive.

Thats a quote from their website, but it was just so succinct and cool. Check them out, they are both useful and interesting.

So what was it like to run a beta launch?

well, apart from a lot of pizza that is

The statistics as of the 29th of July, 18:00

So far, we’ve got:
288 Users, registered under Netted company (campaign)
36 users watched video (13%)
18 try demo (6.25%)
17 linked Facebook and start a conversation (5.9%)


The netted campaign was important because

  • We got some strategic numbers on hand which we can use to make a comparison base from.
  • We were able to analyze the efficiency of the procedure we’ve incorporated for further optimization
  • This data we got will be will be fed to our A.I. to enhance the algorithm


The conversion funnel of emails is interesting. We could watch in real time the click throughs of each step and anticipate people coming through, which was awesome. I learnt how drastic a filtering system can be and all about relative impact.

In other news.. we also learned that

To add a hyperlink

Petra: The best times to Tweet are

  • 12 pm
  • 5 pm
  • 6 pm

USA time.

Video: the office mood right now

