Buzzstream, Polio and Honey

Charlotte Jenkins
What We Learned Today
2 min readAug 4, 2016

How to admit when you made a mistake

Nils received a very interesting email from Buzzstream — a outreach marketing tool we left last week. The decision was made because of an accumulation of bugs that made it a real pain in arse. We really wanted to like it, but it was just to annoying and wasting time because none of the features worked consistently.

Transitioning from them, testing other products and picking a new one (Ninja outreach) was a real pain (see earlier article)

Resembling the day Sweden switched sides of the road for cars, 3 September 1967

But, this morning Nils that personal email from Paul May one of the cofounders of Buzzstream. Which outlined why the problems had occurred, it was personal, compelling and clear.

This was the full article

Now, the issue is that while we do appreciate the extra functions that Buzzstream has, we are also just fine with Ninja. Which is currently working well.

On the other hand of course we want to work with the best tool, so we might consider giving it another shot.

But, the lesson we learned is that when you have a problem with your customers, you might be able to turn things around by being honest and genuine.

On a positive note the outreach program is working really well and we are landing more and more articles. While we have not decided yet, this is the best thing Buzzstream could have done to remedy the situation.

Charlotte: Originally Polio was thought to be caused by icecream. In an interesting case of confusion, correlation and causation.


Its really hard to get into online directories, they have a whole host of Gate Keepers. But there is a great wonderful bubbling online community around chatbots

in particular

Berlin Team

Today Petra left to work remotely. We learnt that Petra’s parents (who are in town visiting) make honey! and Wine!

