My WIFI Was Out For Two Weeks

And This Is What Happened

Robin Mosso
What Will You Dream Tonight?


Photo by Cookie the Pom on Unsplash

If I have an addiction, it is streaming TV shows and movies. There are several shows I like watching, but I also like the TV as background noise. Two weeks ago, I was set to clean and went to turn on the TV for background noise, however, the TV AND WIFI did not agree. They had different plans. All there was, was a non-stop spiral of loading. At first I felt panicked, and felt ungrounded. The lack of WIFI and TV upended my cleaning plans. “How long is this going to last?” I asked myself. But then I talked to a couple of friends and was fine. I saw the silver lining and adjusted. A reprieve from the low grade hum and distraction will be nice. I was grateful that the panic and ungrounded feeling didn’t last more than a few hours. It could have lasted for days or the entire two weeks.

Better Quality of Sleep and Quality Time with Loved Ones

I slept amazing that first night. Without the constant, low grade hum, my dogs and myself slept amazingly. My quality time with my dogs increased as well, or should I say the quality of our time together increased. Instead of that constant low grade hum, the noise and distraction of streaming, and the distraction of my lap top; we cuddled and gazed into each others eyes and enjoyed quite time. My husband and my quality of time increased too.



Robin Mosso
What Will You Dream Tonight?

I like to write poetry as well as I write about sleep, dreaming, dream interpretation, and aging. I facilitate mixed modality energy work sessions.