What the Experts Are Saying about What Works Cities Certification

What Works Cities
What Works Cities Certification
4 min readJan 25, 2018

“What Works Cities set a new standard of excellence in data-driven governance with the introduction of Certification. NLC is proud to bring these best practices to our membership and help them reach that bar. Together, we can drive better outcomes that have the power to improve the lives of millions of our cities’ residents.”
—Clarence Anthony, CEO and Executive Director of the National League of Cities

“Whether in business, government, or nonprofits, effective use of data is critical to making progress, and to measuring results. It’s great to see Michael Bloomberg supporting cities that are using data to improve results for their citizens, and we’re proud to see both Los Angeles and Seattle on the list.”
— Steve Ballmer, Co-Founder of the Ballmer Group

“Cities have led the way with so many innovations that improve life for their citizens, such as performance management, open data and 311. The What Works Cities Certification is an important roadmap towards making government accountable, effective and efficient. We look forward to this innovation spreading across the country and to the improvements in people’s lives due to data-informed decision-making.”
— Caroline Whistler, CEO and Co-Founder of Third Sector Capital Partners, Inc.

“The What Works Cities Certification program gives innovating cities something concrete to aim toward and a rigorous benchmark they can use to show they’ve achieved it. Congratulations to the nine cities for leading the pack and setting the standard for the use of data and evidence to improve outcomes for residents.”
— Robert Shea, Principal, Grant Thornton LLP; Bush White House and appointed member of Ryan-Murphy Evidence-Based Policymaking Commission

“The charitable community intimately understands that government is the biggest funder of solutions to address our nation’s great challenges, so it is critical that we highlight leaders who are using evidence and data to make government more efficient and effective. Independent Sector supports What Works Cities’ initiative to maximize the impact of city investments and create better opportunities for the people they serve.”
— Dan Cardinali, President and CEO of Independent Sector

“Just as LEED certification has galvanized the movement toward more energy-efficient buildings, What Works Cities Certification is challenging mayors and cities nationwide to use data and evidence to drive innovation and improve outcomes. Congratulations to the cities and mayors honored today, who are inspiring other communities to improve their use of data to better serve their residents.”
— Mario Morino, Chairman of the Morino Institute and Co-Founder of Venture Philanthropy Partners

“Congratulations to Results for America and Bloomberg Philanthropies for developing and launching the What Works Cities Certification program. If we as a nation want to ensure that programs are truly making a difference in the lives of residents, the real action is at the local level, where services are being delivered. What Works Cities Certification recognizes those municipalities that are at the vanguard of using data and evidence to better target services and improve programs.”
— Gordon Berlin, President, MDRC

“The What Works Cities Certification program is an exciting step toward celebrating American cities that are leading the way in using data and evidence to increase government effectiveness and improve lives. For organizations and taxpayers who care about evidence-based decision-making that’s focused on outcomes, the cities honored today are showing how to get the job done!”
— Dale Erquiaga, President and CEO, Communities in School

“At Urban Alliance, we know the difference a city can make for its residents when it invests in evidence-based solutions to the most pressing local issues. We’re proud to partner with forward-thinking local governments to more effectively improve outcomes for our youth, and to lend our support to this initiative encouraging innovation and progress in cities across the nation.”
— Eshauna Smith, CEO of Urban Alliance

“ELGL members know that, ‘what gets measured gets done.’ This is a key reason why cities should pursue What Works Cities Certification. Local governments that achieve Certification are leaders in understanding data, tracking government progress and success, and using facts to inform important public decisions. The What Works Cities Certification process helps cities become more transparent as they use data to make decisions that affect millions of people every day.”
— Kirsten Wyatt, Executive Director, Engaging Local Government Leaders (ELGL)

“At WeWork, we transform buildings into dynamic communities that empower entrepreneurs and businesses to thrive, creating an economic ripple effect for cities. Mayors across America are helping to reimagine and reshape the future of work and cities, so we are excited to support What Works Cities’ new Certification program for U.S. cities that use data- and evidence-based programs to make the strongest possible decisions for their communities.”
— Adam Neumann, CEO and Co-Founder, WeWork



What Works Cities
What Works Cities Certification

Helping leading cities across the U.S. use data and evidence to improve results for their residents. Launched by @BloombergDotOrg in April 2015.