Best possible meaning

Paula Langguth Ryan
What Would Paula Say?
1 min readNov 22, 2010


Whatever you see out there, I want you to ask yourself: what’s the BEST possible thing this could mean? Drown out anything the ego wants to tell you to the contrary. What you see is the only reality there is in this world. So build today around the brightest, most amazing view….of you, of your work, of your support team, of everyone you interact with and how they are all joyfully and passionately coming together, today, to enhance and build evidence for that view! Go get em, Bright Star!!!

Peace and prosperity,
Paula Langguth Ryan

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Paula Langguth Ryan
The Village Gathering
PO Box 7530
Denver, CO 80207

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Paula Langguth Ryan
What Would Paula Say?

Minister, mediator, mom and more. An irreverent rev with a unconventional worldview: our connections with others make us feel separate, or so says our egos.