There’s only Love

Paula Langguth Ryan
What Would Paula Say?
1 min readDec 6, 2010


Life’s too short not to be fully present…and it’s too short for anything but Love. I want to know that the time I spent here will be remembered for the Love I extended. So I am practicing being fully present…to this moment…to my passing feelings and illusions. And I am practicing extending Love to myself and remembering our Oneness so that I am extending that Love to others too. I am practicing releasing the illusion that there is anything I lack. I hope you always feel my Love for you. And that you alwaaaays feel your Love for You too. Make it a great day. You’re the only one who can!

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Paula Langguth Ryan
What Would Paula Say?

Minister, mediator, mom and more. An irreverent rev with a unconventional worldview: our connections with others make us feel separate, or so says our egos.