Cats, cats and more cats

Gregory Terzian
What you’ll find in China
2 min readDec 8, 2014

And you’ll have to feed them too…

Looks like someone just took a plastic bag full of fish-heads out of his backpack. Really?

There are simply a huge amount of stray and semi-domestic cats on the streets of China. They’re very cute and people will often stop to feed them or take pictures. As a matter of fact, often you see a small group of people standing around something and when you look close, yes those are a bunch of cats.

In general Chinese people really love to enjoy random things they come across, people will take picture from blooming flowers or fallen tree-leaves. Just living in the moment I guess.



Gregory Terzian
What you’ll find in China

I write in .js, .py, .rs, .tla, and English. Always for people to read