Day 3.5 — Testing the Myth of the Co-working Space

Tamir Jacob
Published in
2 min readJan 17, 2018

This week I decided to check out a different co-working space everyday.

Yet I remained super-confused?

I would have expected co-working spaces to be way more social than I found.

The reality was far different.

Was this myth of super-social working space all hype?

After reflection, I began to recognize the real problem…


The problem wasn’t the space.

The problem was actually me.

My mentors had taught me; “Life is what you make it.Outer world is determined by inner world.”

Now was the time for me to actually LIVE BY THIS!

I suddenly remembered a parable that my favorite internet mentor ‘Jim Rohn’ had shared with me at the beginning of my crazy journey…


Steve and Mark were good friends. Steve had just arrived back from vacation.

Steve said, “Mark. You wouldn’t believe it!”

I just had the worst vacation.

All the people I met in that place were unfriendly, selfish and unkind.

I just couldn’t wait to return home!”


His friend Mark replied; “That’s an awful shame.

Well…you still do have a few days left before you are due back at work Steve.

I actually visited this great place you might like last weekend.

You would absolutely love the people. You wouldn’t believe how friendly, kind and generous they are.

Maybe you could do a quick trip there?”

Steve replied, “ That sounds amazing! I MUST visit this fantastic place you speak of. Where is it?”

Mark was talking about the place Steve had just returned from!


The moral is…

“You find the attitude you project in the world.”

If you want SOCIAL. Be SOCIAL!

“One must first give that what they wish to receive.”

I have learnt that life is too short to make excuses.

Life is “Put up, or shut up.”

If I want to change the conditions of my environment, it is therefore up to me to change my attitude and approach to it.

If I want social, I need to be more social!

It is that simple.

Officially my goal from today is to make an effort meet at least 3 cool new people a day and learn something from each of them.

See you Friday…

