How social media has ‘refreshed’ individuals and society

What Matters
What Matters
Published in
5 min readJul 2, 2015
A phone displaying a “thumbs down” from Facebook. Source: What Matters

There is no specific date that can mark ‘before’ and ‘after’ social media began, so how can we tell whether or not it has affected society? It’s clear, from reminders in daily life, its impact has changed society for the better and worse. These reminders can be literal such as the enabling of Twitter or Facebook alerts on smartphones, the constant messages can drag individuals further and further into the world of social media resulting in an unhealthy addiction. However social media can also be viewed as having a positive impact on society allowing people to connect with each other all around the globe. This question on social media is a global controversy, does it impact us or not, the different attitudes determine the positive or negative ways in which they can impact people’s lives. This is due to perspective, which is definitely the make or break factor that can completely change experiences of society online.

One of the most positive aspects of social media and the prominent reason why it would have been created in the first place, is obviously to be able to socialise. Who could have expected that the whole world would respond to the introduction of social media in such a great way? Sites such as Snapchat, Instagram and Facebook grow as society grows. They allow individuals to share any detail of their life that they chose to their contacts simultaneously from behind a screen. This has led to easier communication between large groups and for those who may desire a more public view of individual’s lives as they would share experiences that would otherwise be private. In that sense lives are impacted as they are more exposed, which means bonds can be built from extra communication and insights. Socialising behind screens can also help those who find it difficult in real life to express themselves, thus finding themselves in society by connecting with similar people over the internet. Sometimes pictures or quotes on social media even help individuals to be inspired by the work of others, because influences from idols hugely impact one’s whole aspirations for life. So on the whole, the primary motive of social media succeeds to make society happier and more open place to exist in. It is also fun, serving as a game that you can play with your friends. Posting a selfie online has even been proven to boost confidence and self-assurance, which is bizarre as it is just the face that society sees on a daily basis somehow making it public assures the ego. Further proving the world of social media is a more practical version of real life.

So what possible negatives could there be?

Firstly the over use of social media can cause lifestyle and fitness to deteriate in an unhealthy way, for example individuals lose interest in hobbies and activities due to using social media as a pass time alternative. Obviously this is bad as ironically it disables socialisation that’s not in front of a screen, unique personalities merge more and more into the same personality because there is not much to a person other than their image on social media. This only happens in extreme cases, but there is evidence that the younger generation doesn’t get enough fresh air and exercise because-what is the point of leaving the house when you can talk to anyone you want in the comfort of your home without any effort? Of course the negatives are only in the case of a few who use social media as it all depends on how deeply one lets themselves succumb to the pressure of it and how heavily they rely upon it in life.

Secondly, there is the issue of edited and photo shopped images that parade through social media. The fake beauty and unreal bodies that are presented to people can mentally scar them and lead to depression or eating disorders. Someone wanting to change their body image can also be down to something as trivial as ‘likes’ on pictures or how many ‘friends’ someone has on their account. Social media can even be a bad thing at the other end of the spectrum, the constant selfie taking and transfixion of one’s own facial features can lead to narcissism. Either way it is evident that media online does have a mental effect on the users.

Thirdly, social media is negative if exploited by users such as through cyber bullying, where victims can feel so strongly and deeply hurt by what is happening on their screens that they feel driven to commit suicide. The worst part of cyber bullying is that it is unescapable, mostly anomalous, heartless and cruel. This is where the internet is at its most lethal –anyone can pretend to be anybody therefore they no longer feel the restrictions of the morals and norms of society. The trouble is on social media it is too easy for people to type and send a message then cower behind a screen, however that message may have been the worst insult someone has ever read causing them to question their whole life although it took nothing for one person to send it, it has impacted the other more than can be imagined. Revenge porn and online grooming of young adults can also take place through social media, making it a very dangerous place for those who are unaware of the problems.

There are even some ethical issues of social media; online photos can be sensitive and revealing of privacy-there is often not any restrictions on content until it’s reported. This could even lead to inappropriate content being seen by the wrong eyes. The overuse of social media also has a consequence of people not engaging correctly with the world around them as they as they do not understand social ways and become too engrossed in society online. Finally, social media also serves to aid extremist groups and help them rise in power as they can strengthen and grow with people all around the world who share their views. They meet over social media.

However, despite these clear negatives of social media the majority of users enjoy the constant use without too much harm. It seems evident that the impacts will effect one depending on how literally they take social media, just like any situation in life. It suggest that as long as one has a light hearted attitude but acts out at unpleasant experiences, social media can be favourable to life ways such as formal and informal relationships.

