Digital For The Planet aims to help, advice and federate companies, institutions and citizens around digital ecology. Everyone is concerned and can take action. In this article, we will introduce you to 9 practical steps to reduce your digital footprint.

1) The first step is to delete and unsubscribe from unwanted newsletters and spam since an e-mail adds up about 20 grams of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. To do so, we tried the free website Cleanfox and found it quick and efficient.

2) The second step is to turn off windows you do not use. They consume energy uselessly. We like using The Great Suspender since it does the job for you and it puts on sleep mode the windows that are not active.

3) If you are about to buy a new phone, — even if large screens are getting trendy -, we advise you to opt for a small screen as it consumes less energy. Choosing a fair phone remains the best option if you have the possibility.

4) The fourth step is to use an ecological and responsible search engine.You only have to download the extension of a green and ecological search engine and then it works just as a mainstream search engine. We personally alternate between Qwant, Lilo and Ecosia.

5) The fifth step is to type directly the website URL in the search bar if you know it, as again, it is less energy consuming.

6) The sixth step is to disable notifications of the apps you do not use. The benefit is double as studies from Stanford University showed that after you receive a notification, it takes 64 seconds to focus again.

7) You probably heard it before but charging your phone more than the needed time is bad for your phone and besides consumes energy unnecessarily. It takes on average between 1h30 and 3h to fully recharge so make sure to unplug your phone afterwards.

8) The height step is to privilege collaborative platforms to communicate with friends and at work instead of emails. Messenger, Whatsapp and Workplace are mainly powered by green energy so we like using them.

9) The last step is to regularly delete the apps you do not use. On average a person has 70 apps on its phone and most probably doesn’t use them all.

Lagos, Nigeria, where cleantech startups are flourishing. (Digital For The Planet)

Lagos, Nigeria, where cleantech startups are flourishing. (Digital For The Planet)

Thank you for reading article, we hope you found it useful and that you are about to start applying these digital ecology tips!

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Digital For The Planet
What's "digital ecology"?

Digital For The Planet aims to help, advice and federate companies, institutions and citizens around digital ecology.