Orchestrated Failure: How Republicans plan on killing the Federal Government.

Derrick Lemos
3 min readJan 18, 2017


I watched DeVos’ confirmation hearing and rather than talk about her take incredibly troubling stances like “Guns in school are a great” or try and defend those ideas “Because Bears”. I wanted to focus on why it seems every single person being appointed is a terrible, awful, no-good, very bad choice. It’s completely intentional.

Every. Single. Person. Being appointed to the President Elect’s cabinet is wholly unqualified and that is on purpose. Much like under GWB, the President elect is hiring unqualified personnel to run Federal departments in order to defund and privatize them when the leadership inevitably fails due to mismanagement. They’ve tried it with the US Postal Service by requiring a fully funded pension account for ALL employees 50 years IN ADVANCE before the Postal Service can even take or record a profit.

These Republicans are bent on destroying the federal government & have been blatantly pushing for corporate interests to take over every day functions of government while also undercutting the minimum wage. Them signing the Grover Norquist Pledge and taking preferential legislation from ALEC should have been indicative enough of what their true intentions have been for the last 30 years.

The entire economic mentality of “low corporate taxes/low minimum wage/no social safety net/no labor unions/no regulation” inexorably leads to “company store” conditions that exploit workers as wage slaves and set high “pay to play” societal living conditions, pushing the divide between very rich and very poor the absolute brink.

But democrats are bad too!

Yeah, Dems have their own set of issues and Congressmen like Bernie Sanders have been deliberately trying to show voters this is not a Left/Right issue, but a “if you depend on a paycheck to survive” issue.

If conservative economic policies worked, why is it that Red States have slowly become poorer, sicker, and completely dependent on taxes from Blue States? The economic recession we just got out of was, in part, caused by deregulation. Austerity doesn’t work either. All those “jobs” Trump promised to bring back are never going to come back, and it isn’t because of immigrants. It’s because robots and automation have completely reshaped our workforce and put more money in the hands of greedy owners.

You can go into some large chain grocery stores right now and see “self check out lines” ridding the need for unionized cashiers or even some trendy restaurants where you place your order from an Ipad, removing the need for hosts and waiters. Robots don’t get sick. Robots don’t need to get paid. They make large dents in payroll costs and those profits aren’t going back into the workforce. They’re staying in the hands of millionaires and billionaires who tell you they can’t afford to give you a raise or healthcare because the cost of a PaPa John’s pizza would go up 15 cents.

We’re heading towards the nexus of desperately needing to value the American workforce. In a service based economy, everyone needs to be able to not only survive, but thrive. Otherwise the many millions of workers who would be getting paid less than the cost of living are stuck in a perpetual loop of debt and that eventually makes a service based economy grind to a halt or creates a de facto caste system much like the textile workers in South Asia or the phone manufacturing workers in China or the minimum wage workers in Mexico.

If any of the working conditions in those countries frighten you, they should. It’s what de-regulation and no protections for workers looks like and it’s been the plan for the United States since Reagan. It’s much easier to turn indebted workers against each other than to unite them all to see their shared exploitation. We can’t let our establishments fail because we continue to vote against our own best interests. The decades long run of greed and political corruption has to end if we are to break the dog leash our representatives are tied to and usher in a new rising tide to lift all boats.



Derrick Lemos

Intersectional Feminist Joke Teller/ Consensual Toucher of Butts