Eryn Amel
What’s Good?
Published in
2 min readFeb 1, 2016


Two days ago I’m standing in my room looking for a space to plop the baby- the bed is covered in unfolded laundry- I’m overwhelmed and reminded that my days feel like all work and no reprieve. Even when I feel like I’ve done enough, there is always more and lately I’ve been living off the strength of positive intention. I decided in that moment to take my sanity. There have been many moments in my life where I’ve let what lied before me overwhelm and worry me. I’ve allowed the opinions of others to convict the way I thought of myself (even if I didn’t believe the opinion was true)

Truth was I just cared too much, about the wrong things and people who did not matter. (I almost convinced myself they ever did)

As I sat there breathing my meditation breathes and instantly craving a lollipop :), I felt empowered that I was about to regain control over my self. We spend so much time trying to control everything around us so that it mirrors the peace we want inside, I didn’t want it to be fake anymore. It didn’t feel faked. I felt in control of my life in all that chaos. So, I captured it in a photo.

I then posted it on Instagram, a space I use as an open diary, and the feedback and love received blew my mind.

2 Days, 8k+ likes and 2,000 + new followers later- it hits me!

Self love is my form of activism. Just seeing the dialogue unfold in the comment section alone felt affirming and freeing at the same time. The women get it. The men are reading it. People are talking about it. Questions are being asked and freedom is being sought. I’m still in shock really. I’m just thankful for the space to be free.

