New in Filtered — Candidate Availability, Reviews, Better Interview Creation, Government Forms, Zapier Integration, Greenhouse Partnership (3 April 2019)

Geoff Daigle
What's new in Filtered
5 min readApr 3, 2019

Hello again from the exciting world of product update announcements!

The Filtered team has been spending weeks upon weeks in the code lab building out the next generation of technical evaluation tools… and the prototypes are looking pretty amazing.

Something else we’re proud of: we now collect feedback from all candidates after their interview is done, and the average score for their experience is 4.6/5 stars. (Luckily for us, most of the issues that candidates do face are already on our product roadmap.)

There is still plenty of work to be done, but check out what else we’ve been up to in 2019:

Goodbye notes, hello reviews

When we first introduced the notes box, the goal was to give a reviewer a quick place to enter their thoughts about a candidate. It worked alright… but it was just alright. This box was too small and it didn’t keep track of who actually left the notes. As a coordinator, you couldn’t get notifications about new notes from your reviewers. This clearly needed some love.

After some user research and careful consideration, we’re happy to announce that you can now leave formal reviews on all interviews in Filtered.

It’s worth noting (hah, get it?) that notes is going away. If you have an ATS integration, reviews and comments will be syncing soon.

However, if you have old reviews or have been using the notes box for other things (you know who you are) the notes box will still be available to you.

Get your candidate’s meeting availability

“Does Thursday at 10am work for you?”

Hundreds of thousands of these emails are sent every day between recruiters and applicants every day. At best it delays next steps by a few hours. At worst it creates an email chain so long that stretches for days or even weeks.

At Filtered, we are sick of doing the scheduling dance and wanted to do something about it.

For all paid Filtered accounts, candidates are (optionally) prompted to provide their next round availability before they finish their online interview.

A few more things to know:

First, only new candidates are able to provide availability. Anyone who already finished an interview before this feature existed will not be retroactively sharing dates and times through Filtered.

Second, interviews being conducted through a Filtered MSP dashboard will not be affected. We are working with those customers to roll this feature out on a case-by-case basis.

Anyone can create a great interview

Like most new products, the hardest part is just getting set up. How do you know you’re doing it right? What will happen if something isn’t configured correctly?

The closest analogy to the above experience is creating a new interview with Filtered. There are so many questions to choose from and a handful of settings to tweak. That’s why we decided to give this experience some love.

While you create your interview, Filtered will try to do as much heavy-lifting as possible, like:

  • choosing and organizing the right skills based on the job title
  • recommending the best questions to add
  • analyzing the questions you picked and giving you feedback
  • explaining the intended use case for all of those question types, toggles, and drop-downs.

Next time you create an interview, send us some feedback about it. We’d love to hear your thoughts.

EEOC compliance — Gender / Race / Disability / Veteran Status forms for government contractors

Working with government contracts and contractors means doing paperwork.

That’s why we added a new configuration option to your interviews which let you present voluntary forms to candidates at the beginning of their interview which attempt to collect gender, race, disability, and veteran status information for your records.

Once collected, this information can be exported to your systems for when it comes time to do that annual audit.

You can enable this feature for your candidates by clicking the “Government Forms” toggle while you are creating a new interview.

Zapier integration

You can now connect most tools and systems to Filtered via Zapier.

There is lots of functionality to work with, including but not limited to:

  • Sending interview invitations
  • Triggering when new interviews are created in your account
  • Triggering when a candidate is finished with their interview
  • Triggering when someone leaves a new review
  • Fetching candidate scores, information, owners, interview links, and more
  • Finding candidates and interviews by name or email

Want to give it a try? Invite yourself to the Beta here:

Greenhouse partnership

Filtered is now a Greenhouse integration partner. This makes it even easier to discover Filtered add-ons directly through your Greenhouse account.

All of the key functionality from Filtered becomes available directly through your Greenhouse instance as soon as you activate the integration.

You can get started from the Greenhouse partners page. Let us help you get set up today.

That’s all for now

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