New this week — Meeting scheduling, delayed invitations (22 June 2018)

Geoff Daigle
What's new in Filtered
3 min readJun 22, 2018

Hi there 👋

My name is Geoff and I’m a product manager at Filtered. We’re building a powerful platform to help you find, assess, and hire data science and engineering talent.

I’m excited to announce two new features that automate something which we’ve all struggled to manage: time.

Meeting scheduling

Imagine that you have found your perfect candidate. They passed their Filtered coding challenge with ease and gave insightful answers to their video questions. You want to bring them in for an interview, so you ask “what day is best?”.

They say, “how about friday?”.

You say, “that doesn’t work for me. How about next tuesday at 7?”

They say “I’m not going to be able to make that one. How about…”

And it goes on and on.

This problem is so common when moving forward with top candidates that we felt it necessary to help. Now you can use the scheduling tool from inside Filtered to get that perfect meeting time in as little as one attempt.

Candidates receive an email with your proposal and can choose the one that fits best. If none of the times fit, the candidate can request another proposal.

Give it a try and send us your feedback.

Delayed invitations (aka “Send later”)

Sometimes you are catching up on emails at home on a Saturday night at 11:45pm with Netflix playing in the background (maybe that’s just me…) and find out that your best candidate is ready to move forward.

You probably don’t want to send them a Filtered interview at 11:45pm, but you don’t want to forget either. What if you could click the button now but delay that invitation until the most appropriate time?

Now you can. We built a Send Later function into invitations to let you send an interview link to a candidate at the perfect moment.

As I mentioned before, please send us your feedback so we can make this even better.

That’s all for now

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