New this week — Policies, improved user permissions, question generator (27 July 2018)

Geoff Daigle
What's new in Filtered
3 min readJul 27, 2018

Hi there!

This week we’ve been working hard on wrapping up a few modifications that ensure Filtered is super-secure and fully compliant with GDPR. Luckily, you may have already started seeing some new things pop up in your account to make the experience better. Here are the highlights from this week:


It’s not what most people would consider “exciting” (unless you work in legal), but we recently updated our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy to better explain our commitment to you and to data protection.

In addition, there is a new page explaining how we stay secure and what we do to protect customer information.

Improved user permissions

Sometimes you want to invite your team into a tool but don’t want them messing around with your stuff. Until now, Filtered was fairly open and team members could change or create whatever they wanted, whenever they wanted. This update lets you (the admin) assign rules to what your team members can access or change in their account.

To learn all of the ins-and-outs of managing permissions, check out this knowledge center article.

Question generator

Have a phone screen coming up with your engineering/data science candidate? Use this tool to ask the right questions for the role.

The question generator is free for anyone to use, even if you don’t have a Filtered account.

Paste your job description into the box, and the generator will detect the requirements and take care of the rest. It’s a really quick and easy way to get ahead. You can try out the generator at

Brand new guide

“17 insightful questions to ask your next software engineering candidate.”

Speaking of phone screens, we broke down some of the most effective questions that you can ask your technical candidate. You’ll learn what to ask and what to listen for in the response.

You can download it here.

That’s all for now

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