New this week — Portals, API, data questions, time estimates, help docs (4 October 2018)

Geoff Daigle
What's new in Filtered
4 min readOct 3, 2018

This week’s theme is all about access.

Accessing candidates between orgs. Accessing data in new places. Accessing insight where it is needed.

Two major products just hit beta which greatly improve the workflow of our current and future customers. In addition, the team has been tuning up important features of the application to make it even more insightful and user-friendly.

Client Portals (BETA)

What if, instead of sending hundreds of tailored emails to hiring companies, those same companies shopped for candidates via a portal that you own? This is what the new Client Portal product is all about. Candidates who have passed your Filtered interview can be automatically added to a portal. Once a hiring manager is given access, they can log in and browse all of the interviews at their own pace. Recruiters will be notified if a hiring manager views, approves, or rejects any candidate. Best of all, Filtered takes care of the candidate presentation so that you don’t have to manually piece together that “perfect submission” email.

Even though the product is brand new, we are already seeing customers use Client Portals to improve their high-volume workflow, tighten relationships with clients, and recycle rejected candidates for more opportunities. Really cool stuff!

Want access to the Client Portal product in your account? Reach out to us.

External API (BETA)

We’ve been getting a lot of requests for external access to Filtered data like interviews, candidates, and reports. Now that the team is focused on delivering a slew of popular integrations, it only made sense to build support for custom integrations too.

At the time of this update, the API in in its early stages and supports only core functionality like inviting candidates and querying for interview information. You can be sure that the number of endpoints and feature coverage will get much bigger over the next 12 months (and an integration with Zapier is right around the corner).

Quick note for the devs: this API uses HTTPS and exchanges JSON data for request bodies and responses.

Interested in connecting to Filtered through the API? Give us a shout.

Auto-scoring of data science challenges

Note: I covered this feature in detail in another post.

One big challenge that we had this year was to figure out how to use computers to evaluate data science candidates to the same level that we currently evaluate other kinds of candidates. I’m happy to say that the geniuses on the Filtered team (not including me) have worked closely with our customers and come up with a solution.

I won’t bore you with the details, but in short, we’re using the data science-y version of test cases to identify correct answers.

If you are assessing data scientists, you can now relax while Filtered automatically grades the tests and reverse-sorts candidates by their level of error. All you have to move the top applicants forward in the pipeline. Easy.

Send us a note if you’re interested in using this kind of testing for your Filtered account.

Time estimates for draft interviews

Every reasonable company wants to maintain a high-caliber candidate experience. Candidates can’t have a good experience if their application process is 4 hours long. The same goes for asynchronous interviews like Filtered.

Now, when you create an interview, you can see how long the average candidate will take to complete it (based on the data we have been collecting). Never again will you force your candidates to miss work or block off an entire Saturday afternoon just to get a foot in the door.

Help docs access via navigation

Now you can access Filtered documentation from almost anywhere in the app. This is a small update, but one that means you do less googling, we do less support chat, and everyone is a little happier.

That’s all for now

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Want to read more stuff? Check out Paul’s blog all about hiring (he’s the CEO):

