Internet media jobs are at an all-time high, and online ad spend will rise to 60% by 2022, reports AdAge

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What's New in Publishing
2 min readFeb 27, 2020

AdAge’s Marketing Fact Pack 2020 projects that the US online ad spend will rise to about 60% of all advertising outlay by 2022. This is in sharp contrast to the decline for other media, including TV, radio, magazine and print newspapers.

Mobile’s share of internet ad spending

This accelerating growth in online ad spend is being driven almost single-handedly by the rise in mobile advertising. While the share of mobile ad spend has skyrocketed, desktop ads have remained relatively stagnant over time.

Internet media employment

A rising tide lifts all boats, and this growth is digital also marks an all-time high in the US internet media employment. This, once again, is in sharp contrast to the decline or stagnation for other media, i.e., TV, radio, magazine and print newspapers.

Worldwide spending in media

According to the report, the internet in 2020 for the first time will account for more than half of both US and worldwide ad spending. GroupM forecasts media ad spending to grow 5.1% to $628 billion in 2020, while it expects internet spending to increase 11.1%.

Ad Age’s annual guide pulls together quick stats and facts on US and global advertising, market share, media data and more, drawing on Ad Age Datacenter’s rankings and analysis from the past year.

You can download the full report here:
AdAge’s Marketing Fact Pack 2020

Images courtesy of AdAge.

By Monojoy Bhattacharjee

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