New in MicroStation CONNECT Edition Update 16 — Element Selection in Text Favorites Manager Dialog

Photo by Christopher Gower on Unsplash

In Update 16 the Text Favorites Manager has the Select Element filter introduced that will enable you to select an element and choose a property to associate with your text favorite. While creating a new favorite, you can select an element to view its properties and select a property value to associate with the favorite. Once you select a property value for the element, the Field Type, Sub Field Type, and other fields in the Text Favorite Manager dialog populate automatically based on the selected property value.

Text Favorites Manager was made available in Update 14 as a Public Technology Preview feature and released as a General Availability feature in Update 15. This tool enables you to create property-driven annotations to associate with design elements. A text Favorite includes a placeholder field for text. Text Favorites are stored as reusable text labels.

To learn more about how you can save time while placing repetitive texts and other applicable benefits of the Text Favorites Manager, watch this tutorial on YouTube.

To know what else is new in this update read New in MicroStation CONNECT Edition Update 16.

You can peek at the Update 16 highlights in this short video.



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