№15 — CREAU Christmas Market

Robert Maier
What’s new, Rob?
Published in
2 min readDec 24, 2017
Outdoor area

It’s Christmas time and therefore, it is Christmas market time! And in Vienna, the avid Punsch-drinker has enough options to choose — ranging from the touristy Rathausplatz to the once-rarely-known-but-now-very-big Spittelberg to the studenty Altes AKH. They all have in common, that they are well known. Since it would not be a new experience to go to one of those, Silia found a very different Christmas market — CREAU.

One of the boxes

CREAU is located where you would never go when looking for a Christmas market as you need to take the U2 subway and go to Stadion. Once there, you will find the entry to the stables of the nearby horce race track and CREAU. It is basically an advent calendar with each of the horse boxes representing a new day. The boxes are filled by different artists (and a Whiskey distillery) and usually somewhat interactive. The art was… modern. And not really my cup of tea. The distillery was more along my interest.

Apart from the advent calendar, there was also a bar, a pop-up store and some other things. All in all, it was fun and definitely a different Christmas market experience than the usual ones in Vienna and the two Euros entry fee don’t hurt. If you are still in Vienna, check it out today!



Robert Maier
What’s new, Rob?

Enthusiastic about digitalization, data science and avid runner.