№21 — VisitAir

Robert Maier
What’s new, Rob?
Published in
2 min readFeb 4, 2018
View from the visitors’ deck

I fondly remember the times during my childhood when I spent hours at the train station in Wels, watching the trains go by (my mum was less excited). But that was nothing compared to the times when actually visiting an airport — all those airplanes were even more fascinating than trains.

This excitement has not really faded as I grew older and even though I visit the Vienna airport roughly twice a week, I am still excited by airplanes and airports. Therefore, I did not even think twice when Christoph asked me to join him on a tour through Vienna airport — VisitAir.

Austrian Airlines anniversary edition

On Saturday, we made our way through security and boarded a bus through gate B31 together with many families with little children and off we went. The very knowledgable bus driver showed us all the interesting areas of the airport, from the terminals to the hangars and the VIP terminal.

The official highlight of the tour was a Thai Boeing 777–300, servicing Bangkok. Personally, I found the “graveyard” of former Niki / AirBerlin airplanes awaiting their future somewhere at an off-area of the airport way more interesting.

Included in the tour was the visitors’ world and the visitors’ deck. While the latter and the tour itself was quite interesting for adults, the former was really for children only and really not worth it.

Would I do everything again? The tour and the visitors’ world are not really that exciting after all and I was very happy that Christoph got a -50% voucher. The visitors’ deck, however, was quite nice and I probably would do that again sometime in the future. Still, if you have kids or you need to kill two-three hours at Vienna airport, it’s worth looking into.



Robert Maier
What’s new, Rob?

Enthusiastic about digitalization, data science and avid runner.