№25 — Floating

Robert Maier
What’s new, Rob?
Published in
2 min readMar 6, 2018
The tub

What is more relaxing than lying in the bathtub? Lying in a bathtub filled with salt water in complete darkness with earplugs in your ears. That is, in a nutshell, what floating is. While it has been around since the late 50s, it seems like it is becoming more popular.

I know exactly what you are thinking. Lying there in complete darkness for an hour, slowly stewing in your own filth, sounds like the most boring thing on earth? I thought the same. And I still thought it roughly ten minutes in. After that, I my brain turned off and time passed very quickly.

The idea behind floating is to completely get rid of stress for both body and mind for the duration in the floating room. The salt water prevents sinking, while the darkness and the earplugs eliminate external stimulus. Therefore, you can completely relax for the time in the floating chamber.

Lying there, staring into the darkness and thinking about life and other things, it almost feels like meditating. Definitely recommendable.

I really liked the whole experience and I am not just saying that because it was my Christmas present from Silia. We went to Schwerelos in Vienna and apparently it is extremely popular because we couldn’t get a Saturday appointment with less than three weeks notice.

In case you are wondering how that place looks: it is a single, large room with some space to take your clothes off, a shower and then the large bathtub. Just a heads up — you will be naked the whole time. So maybe a bit of a stretch for a first date.



Robert Maier
What’s new, Rob?

Enthusiastic about digitalization, data science and avid runner.