№35 — Zagreb

Robert Maier
What’s new, Rob?
Published in
2 min readMay 13, 2018
The “skyline” of Zagreb

Each year since graduation, my friends from uni and I go somewhere together. First, it was Lake Balaton in Hungary right after graduating. Then it was Prague — which I missed unfortunately. And this year, it was Zagreb. Why Zagreb you may ask? We weren’t so sure either but it is reachable easily from Vienna, rather affordable and a place all of us could agree on.

In the end it does not really matter where you go as long as you have fun together and this was true for that weekend. Zagreb as a city is not that exciting to be honest. As I learned during the walking tour, it was only founded in the late 19th century and thus not much has been going on there before. Of course, Zagreb, Croatia and the whole Balkan has a lot of history, especially during the 1990s but that was not that present in the city.

In the end, it was a wonderful weekend. We had a lot of food, a few drinks, walked a lot through the city and of course I got a sunburn. What I can particularly recommend for the lactose-tolerant traveller is “La Struk” — thanks to the recommendation of Jan. They serve a dish that is dough, cheese and some other things, such as roasted pepper or truffles.

If you are travelling south to other places on the Balkan and you want to take a break, definitely visit Zagreb. But do not go there for more than a night as there are way more beautiful places in Croatia that are worth visiting.



Robert Maier
What’s new, Rob?

Enthusiastic about digitalization, data science and avid runner.