№44 — Archery

Robert Maier
What’s new, Rob?
Published in
2 min readAug 1, 2018
Learning to shoot the arrows under the auspices of the quartermaster

After hours of travelling, we finally found ourselves in a secluded wooden area where we sought refuge from the ruthless and tireless henchmen of the sheriff. We traveled light and without any weapons but when we saw the camp in the depths of the Klosterneuburg Forest, we knew that we were save.

After reporting to the quartermaster of this rebel camp, we were ready to begin our training to go back to the city and take from the rich to distribute among the poor. The quartermaster, a young man of impressive statue and wisdom, told us: “Learn from me and you will strike down thy enemy with less than three arrows!”

Silia shooting some “animal”

Even though we were weak from our exhausting travels, we immediately began with an intense training to prepare ourselves for the upcoming battles. “Very impressive”, said the quartermaster, “but your real test only begins now. Go forth and hunt down one of every species of these woods to prove yourself.” Uneasy and full of fear, he sent us off into the eternal green of the forest.

It did not take us long until we spotted all the different animals of the Korneuburg forest. At first, we were unorganized and we missed a lot of shots. However, after going for the old and slow targets first and with the blessing of the quartermaster, we dared to take on the biggest and most difficult predators of the forest. We took them all down and brought our trophies back to the quartermaster. “Fantastic!”, he cried, “you are now ready to go and fulfill your destiny”. With those words and the fighting skills of the forest, we embarked on a journey back home to do what we have to do.

If you are interested in archery, we went to Bogenwald between Tulln and Klosterneuburg. There, you can rent the whole equipment, get a one hour introduction and then go on a 24-target round to test your skills in “real life”. Call or write ahead because the place is not staffed all the time. A very recommendable experience, great fun and you absolutely have to have no previous knowledge of archery. And no, you do not shoot live animals. We only shot at foam figures.



Robert Maier
What’s new, Rob?

Enthusiastic about digitalization, data science and avid runner.