Verbal Vs Typing

Kyle Reynolds
What’s On Your Mind  Randomness
3 min readMar 2, 2015

Over the years I’ve been looking for a way to improve my ability to write and I eventually decided to get a voice recognition software so I could just talk and let the computer program to the typing for me. In my mind I thought that this would speed up my ability to compose articles in emails that I felt I wanted to do in writing but to my surprise seems exactly slowing me down right now is a get used to it. I’m not know I’m not particularly fast typist but I can type at a decent speed without too many errors. So it seems logical to me that just bail to talk and have the computer the work of typing for me would speed things up.

However I’m discovering that for some reason it seems like my thoughts go quicker from my mind my fingers to type without as much hesitation that they do for me to just think and then talk. It seems like it’s a smoother transition just my thoughts to my fingers to type that one I want to speak for some reason. This may be because I am naturally more reserved or shy and I don’t particularly like public speaking or speaking groups so maybe this natural inhibition of mine is also translating to me being at my computer and speaking aloud in order to type. I did not expect this to actually happen. When I’m just sitting alone and I’m thinking about what I wanted you are well write about the thoughts enter my mind fast I can compose things in my mind seemly privileges however I want to be. And it seems that it was this was the same way when I type. So I naturally thought if I can compose those thoughts and get them organize my mind pretty fast it would be too much harder to just compose things in my mind and that speak into the voice-recognition software and let that to the typing for me.

So as I experiment with this software I’m hoping to become more comfortable with the ability to sit and dictate as my thoughts come to me and organize them in my head and let it flow battery create a better experience for myself so that I won’t have to type as much. And then it seems against Bill to speed up my process of typing and I should be other be a little bit more efficient and produce more type to work and submit some more articles and get more things done that I would normally have to type. Was just more surprised than I thought I would be at how I seem to be more inhibited when I’m just speaking into the microphone that’s required for the software and then I am my type for some reason I censor myself a lot more when speaking aloud that I do when I type.

So it seems that even though this software should in the long run be able to speed up my progress it is temporarily slowing me down as I get used to this new adjustments in speaking aloud as opposed to typing and try to make that as fluid as my typing has been so that I don’t censor myself and I don’t withhold my thought patterns and self regulate as much so I can just let things flow is as they were being type for my fingers as I used to do. I look forward to continue using this software and hopefully I will get more books this way. This is the first post I have composed completely just using this software and I recently just use it to send an email so hopefully it will continue to be an asset.



Kyle Reynolds
What’s On Your Mind  Randomness

Professional photographer/writer. Runner. Dog lover. PhD ABD Psychology. Masters in Sports Psych.