Welcome to the What The Focus Podcast!

Jake Willis
What’s The Focus
Published in
3 min readAug 10, 2020


Salutations everyone, hope you’re keeping safe and strong. When Abhi texted me a week after our virtual graduation to ask how I was doing, I responded “Meh”. The job hunt was not as easy as it looked like it would be just a short while ago. Most of the opportunities in front of me had evaporated and contacts were not responding to my emails. The excel sheet where I kept track of my applications was getting longer and longer, and all were color coded red. When Abhi said he was thinking of starting a new project and wanted me to develop a podcast for it, I lept at the chance to work on something other than cover letters.

Nothing like editing during a thunderstorm. Remember to save often!

Getting back in front of the microphone and opening up Audacity was like putting on skis for the first time in the season. I wondered how rusty I would be before it all came back to me five seconds in. The hours flew by as I began drafting potential questions and guest lists. Entrepreneurship is a field that has inspired me since a young age, and collaboration between individuals is more vital than ever as we are all separted and united by the many issues that plague the world.

With the What The Focus Podcast, I hope you’ll be able to learn at least one new bit of knowledge from the wide variety of guests we hope to bring on each month to discuss our chosen theme. I want this to be the casual chat with friends you can jump into any time, at any episode, and maybe be inspired to create or pursue your own creative or entrepreneurial goals.

I first met Chris Wolfel a lifetime ago in December of 2019 for Bright IDEAs. I knew just from his resume that he would bring a ton of insight to his interview, and he didn’t disappoint. Our talk then provided a great history of student entrepreneurship at our alma mater, and I got to learn about Helpful, Chris’s new venture with the aim to bring people of all backgrounds together with common goals. As our first month’s theme focuses on community, I knew he would be the perfect guest for our pilot episodes. Please enjoy my short talk with Abhi about the goal of WTF and Chris’s thoughts on the venture community in the age of COVID.

Check out Helpful and we look forward to bringing you the next episode!

