What’s Up? M | Wrap-Up 20

Bias Is Inherent in the System

Be curious and involved in your own success

The Secret Aspirant
What’s Up? M
Published in
16 min readNov 19, 2021


A glasses shop window of standing magnifying glasses on different height stands reflecting in shadow different angles of 2 people.
Photo by Michel Oeler on Unsplash

Thank you for checking out this wrap-up and this publication. We aim to provide you a unique place to read, discover, and experiment based off of useful information that can ultimately improve your experience with this platform. Why? Because many of us were blindsighted before (me included) yet still want to earn fairly on here while avoiding known pitfalls that just weren’t obvious.

This publication also agrees with and supports the mission statement of this platform that encourages an ecosystem that encourages and is supportive of democratic, diverse, and relational connections, and keeping that healthy means sharing and having meaningful and open discussions about the ins and outs of using this platform especially as a writer so that it can be used legitimately in your favor — all according to the rules. No funny business here. But pure firsthand experience, information, data, stats, analysis, and takes.

So be sure to check out all the special featured pages and menu items as laid out on this publication’s homepage. It’s the best way to dive into and digest all the information and even prompt you to try something new that might work greater for your benefit as a writer on here. Conjointly, your…



The Secret Aspirant
What’s Up? M

Human. Inspired by real courage & the pursuit of enlightenment. Advocate of values that foster the flourish of authenticity, diversity of perspectives & voices.