What’s Up? M | Serial Newsletter 08

The Devil Is in the Details

End of March 2022

The Secret Aspirant
What’s Up? M


Photo by Ruth Ochoa on Unsplash

Welcome to our eighth newsletter!

There was an inevitable hiatus for this publication for a few weeks in end February to some of March due to the global current events happening in Europe that disrupted normalcy for a few weeks while digesting and dissecting the gravity and evaluating the threat level that was posed on all of us globally in a potential third world war or worse, a nuclear one.

But as days turned into weeks and now that it’s become beyond a month while the war rages on and we’re still here, the possibilities of at least the imminent nuclear one seems to have subsided, thankfully, it seems.

But while real war prolongs in Europe, another one has been waging here on this platform for many writers. And just like the Ukrainians have had an uncanny way of documenting everything going on to them in their war, we aim to do the same in some form here in the corner for writers on this platform.

We live in two worlds: the real-life one where the war occupied at least my attention and efforts for the past several weeks, and the other one which is writing on this platform and being in your company.

A lot of baffled writers have been questioning their earnings over the past 3–6 months because earnings has gone way down for many without a significant change in their writing habits or without a visible reason why that has been directly stated from the company.

We’re certainly going to explore some of that within the coming weeks.

In this newsletter that recaps March 2022, there have already been big developments that we should be aware of that may very well explain some of the difficulties being faced already by writers and which we should not be unaware of to continue to keep our expectations in check.

We were anticipating that this year would be the year in which it should be more and more evident as to how and more exactly this platform will evolve from their acquisitions made last fall 2021.

Whatever they choose to do, it will inevitably directly affect us as writers. How that might make or break us as writers on here is also part of this publication’s goal to bring to your attention to evaluate for yourselves.

Adjusting our expectations is part of the game since this is a centralized system and they control the environment and the biases of the rewards. On the other hand, we have control over the quality of what we chose to write about and also how we go about it without compromising our own values. It’s always wise to keep abreast of major platform changes whether of those observed or stated in order to protect our efforts, our earnings, and our sanity.

This publication will continue to be an advocate for creators by welcoming and raising questions, debates, know-hows, and ideas that can improve your experience on this platform, while optimizing your efforts in earning fairly on this platform with more upfront knowledge. We still continue to stand aligned with Medium’s own mission which has been broadly interpreted as also being supportive of democratic, diverse voices that do care about that words still matter.

Okay, so, let’s get right into the 8th newsletter info, here.

© 2022 The Secret Aspirant. All rights reserved.



The Secret Aspirant
What’s Up? M

Human. Inspired by real courage & the pursuit of enlightenment. Advocate of values that foster the flourish of authenticity, diversity of perspectives & voices.