Open, Edit, Save

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Published in
2 min readJun 2, 2016

Today, we’re rolling out a new feature that many of you have been asking for: editing content already in your Upthere account. This is an important feature for Upthere because we believe that we all should live out of the cloud for our personal data needs. Creating, storing, and accessing your content goes a long way towards this, but sometimes you need to touch up a photo, update a list, or revise a document.

Starting today, you’ll be able to open files directly from Upthere Home with an app of your choice, then save new edited versions directly to your account. It’s pretty simple:

Open files directly from Upthere Home and edit them directly in your app of choice

Any edits you make will be visible to anyone you shared the file with. You can also edit any file shared with you. This is great for the close personal sharing that Upthere users love. You can quickly share all your vacation photos then touch them up later or fill in missing items on the grocery list your roommate started — everyone involved will always see the latest and greatest, automatically. Don’t worry: editing a file simply creates a new version of the file instead of overwriting it. A future update will give you a way to access previous versions.

That’s it! We hope you like and take advantage of this new functionality. It’s available now for Mac and Android.

Dima Trembovetski
Open Edit Save Team Lead

P.S. A note to our passionate, advanced users

Most apps on your phone and computer rely on the local filesystem and the presence of local files, whereas we’ve built a filesystem that is device independent and keeps all data in the cloud. Therefore, things may not work 100% for certain workflows. Please help us improve the product by writing in and letting us know about these. It’s thanks to our dedicated and vocal beta users that we can continue improving our product.



what’s up

Our mission is to care for humankind's information.