Hack European Parliament for real

Keith Parkins
Light on a Dark Mountain
3 min readApr 22, 2014


Today we launch a campaign for explaining the opportunity we have for hacking European Parliament for real.

As it was explained in a previous comunication, Hervé Falciani, (the computer specialist who provided several Courts of Justice from different countries with information about over 130,000 big tax evaders’ bank accounts in Switzerland, obtained when he was working for HSBC bank) is the candidate of Citizens’ Network Partido X (a citizens’ device for media guerrilla that serves the purpose of participating in electoral scenarios, and hacking political systems, in order to achieve a XXI century democracy. The project was launched a year and a half ago by a group of 15M/Indignados activists and has steadily grown in very little time) for the european elections, May 2014.

We think that this candidature is a hack and gives the Spanish and European citizens, and also the International Comunity, the opportunity to explain how the political class is in collusion with the financial elites and to report it, to fight against this practice and to establish mechanisms to control it. The participation of Falciani in the European Parliament and the work and projects already initiated by Citizens’ Network Partido X, will contribute to put an end to the impunity of big tax evaders.

As European citizens we can not miss this opprtunity to unmask who in the Euro Parliament, in the European Institutions and in the Spanish Government are accomplices of the tax evasion fraud of the big fortunes.

Once in the European parliament, we will develop our work there and implement our projects to pursue Fiscal evasion of the great fortunes with information as a tool. Citizens’ Network Partido X and Herve Falciani have already launched this method at the service of all struggles, towards a global change.

This is why we invite all international activists to get involved in a visibilization campaign for making this information reach all international civil society.

These are the ways in which you can get involved in the international campaign:

1º Be active on social media (TWITTER y FACEBOOK)
Tuesday April 22
From 11AM Madrid’s time (UTC/GMT+1)
Hashtag ‪#‎FalcianiVsJuncker‬ and using the channel ‪#‎EP2014‬


1 — Post at the indicated time the contents, your opinion, or tell how do you think your and other people’s fights are going to be benefited from having Falciani in the parliament.

2 — Share our contents:

Falciani vs. Juncker: http://partidox.org/falciani-vs-juncker/
Español: http://partidox.org/falciani-vs-juncker/#es
Inglés: http://partidox.org/falciani-vs-juncker/#en
Francés: http://partidox.org/falciani-vs-juncker/#fr
Alemán: http://partidox.org/falciani-vs-juncker/#de
Portugués: http://partidox.org/falciani-vs-juncker/#pt
Italiano: http://partidox.org/falciani-vs-juncker/#it
Catalán: http://partidox.org/falciani-vs-juncker/#ca
Galego: http://partidox.org/falciani-vs-juncker/#gl

3 — There will be some articles from internationa media in Spanish, Italian and English that we will share with the hashtag #FalcianiVsJuncker from our accounts in Twitter https://twitter.com/Partido_X and Facebook https://www.facebook.com/PartidoXPartidodelFuturo

4 — Forward a copy of this pad to other international activist that may be interested in participating

5 — If you have national or international press contacts you can ask them to contact us during the days following the launch of the campaign if they are interested in reporting about this story at: info@partidox.org


Further information:
Website in English http://partidox.org/en/
Website in Spanish http://partidox.org/
Occupy http://occupywallst.org/article/who-is-partido-x/
National and International Press http://partidox.org/press/

Note: Action is embargoed until 1100 Madrid time (ie GMT +2)

Note: Poor translation from original Spanish.



Keith Parkins
Light on a Dark Mountain

Writer, thinker, deep ecologist, social commentator, activist, enjoys music, literature and good food.