5 Tips for Biohacking the Mind during the Pandemic

Dasha M
Published in
7 min readJul 20, 2020


Tangible things to help destress right now

Today’s a good day. Tomorrow may not be. The day after, who knows? And the cycle repeats…

Photo by nikko macaspac on Unsplash

Entering into the pandemic, I was experiencing this cycle of happiness, neutrality, and heaviness on repeat every few days. The past couple of months, I’ve delved into this further and seen that many people are operating on this same pattern of repeating waves.

2020 has been, to say the least, a stressful year. It’s been one of changes, of reevaluating our truths, of questioning, and potentially fearing, any of our ‘truths’.

The pandemic has caused stress in our household, as I’m sure it has impacted yours. We are each individuals living together and while we may THINK that the pandemic impacts each of similarly, in truth, we are all experiencing this in our own individual ways with our own stories. Some days are great, others are horrendous. Just acknowledging that already is something of worth.

Many of my colleagues and friends in the biohacking and health space also feel this as well. We all realize that our bodies right now are in a place of fear and instability. And that, right now, the focus of health should be first to hack / fix that fear response in your…



Dasha M

Biohacker. Ex-Management Consultant. Advisor to Clinics who want to grow. Explorer and curious connector.