What is “biohacking”?

Dasha M
Published in
4 min readSep 24, 2020


An explanation from someone who is a biohacker, but doesn’t love the term…

“Biohacking”. Ooo cool term. Interesting. Neat. Kind of dark, a bit ominous, slightly exciting, sounds like it could be illegal, and exhilarating because you don’t really know what it is, right? Yep. It’s all that and more! 😊

Biohacking is a term that has been floating in the ether of the health communities since around 2006/7, it grew steadily until Forbes called 2013, the year of “quantified self” , and then continued it’s rise with the explosion of the Bulletproof brand in 2014. Biohacking as defined by Dave Asprey is “To change the environment outside of you and inside of you so you have full control of your biology, to allow you to upgrade your body, mind, and your life.” (If you want to read more about it in depth — this is a great synopsis).

Last year, I jumped with both feet into this scene (I was the COO of one of the largest alternative health conferences in Europe in 2019 bringing together many of these brilliant biohacking minds and companies), and got a good understanding of this world of biohacking. So, while this term biohacking means something new for many different people, I’ve observed the following to be true -

Ultimately, for me, “biohacking” (using a combination of data, intuition, diet, supplementation and technology) is the vehicle…



Dasha M

Biohacker. Ex-Management Consultant. Advisor to Clinics who want to grow. Explorer and curious connector.