Wheel of the year & 2015 seasonal dates

Understanding and working with the seasons

Jodie Danaan- Oakwillow
Wheel of the year
Published in
3 min readAug 5, 2014


Understanding and working WITH the seasons, is the way that it has been practiced for centuries. By weaving ourselves into her rhythms, we work with the energy of the Earth and speak her song. It is an opportunity to weave with, rather than against the energy flow of the Earth. By doing this we align ourselves to the Earth Mothers rhythm, and weave ourselves into a sacred thread and energy flow of natural law. We are also able to action things in our lives easier, when they are weaving in the season best suited to flowing that energy. By moving with Her in this natural flow of energy and life, you can both deepen your connection to the Earth Mother and yourself.

At Winter Solstice, the chill of the winter Crone has had us deep in reflection and journey. The Solstice point is the rebirth of the Sun and the rebirth of the mother’s son. At Solstice, the Sun returns and the days become longer and warmer from this day forward, nurturing the Earth Mother back into Her fertile cycle again. Imbolc is the rite of sweet milk and honey, the young maiden, and a time for celebrating new beginnings, purity and initiations. It is known as the ‘feast of the waxing light’ as the Goddess returns from the underworld newly pregnant . Then the fertility of the Earth grows into Spring Equinox, a time for new growth, to weave yourself into the landscape and grow with her. It is the time of the powerful Maiden and the young Horned God, dancing in their youth, a time for joy and making plans and wishes as the Earth bursts with life, and turns into a tide of abundance and fertility.

Then as the flow of birth spills into land and sea, it is time for Beltaine. It is the luscious fertility tide of the year, where the fiery and sensual union between people and the land brings fertility, transformation and abundance. The light it at its peak at the Solstice point of Summer Solstice — festive day of joy and happiness, which celebrates the peak of Summer. It is the longest day of the year when the great Sun stands proudly at his highest point in the sky.

Then we journey with the Earth Mother into Lughnasad, a deep, dark time of reflection and journey, and the Celtic harvest festival. A time to release fear and regret… At Autumn Equinox, we seek balance and rest as we move towards the Samhaine. Samhaine is a dark and intense time of the year, which marks the end of the harvest and the Celtic year. We celebrate, remember, and honour those who have past, as the night of the thinnest veil between the living and the dead occurs. It is the tide of death and darkness, a transformation that makes way for the light. A time to be still in the dark, and we honour the natural, creative and transformative power that death and stillness brings..

We spin with the Earth Mother, weaving ourselves into Her seasons,
Her body, Her soul- and we have the honour of getting to know Her-
and how Her beautiful magick flows…

Source: archaeoastronomy.com
Source: archaeoastronomy.com

